National Trans Police Association
The NTPA exists primarily to provide support to serving and retired Police Officers, Police Staff and Special Constables with gender identity issues.
The NTPA further aims to provide support to all serving and retired Police Officers, Police Staff and Special Constables who wish to support colleagues, friends or family members with gender identity issues.
The NTPA also offers assistance to the Policing Family as a whole in creating positive, meaningful and inclusive contact with the Transgender Community.
"The NTPA represents the views of it's members on matters of policy within the UK Police service concerning Trans Police Officers, Police Staff and Special Constables and to assist in and encourage their recruitment, retention and progression within the Service."
"The NTPA aspires to speak for the wider Trans community on Police-related matters and to help foster better relations between the UK Police Service and the Trans community as a whole."
Hate is a crime, don't ignore it report it!
The National Trans Police Association encourages all members of the Transgender Community to report crime, especially those incidents of transphobic hate. However, the NTPA can only advise on these matters as we cannot take crime reports or investigate ourselves.
We work closely with many support organisations and agencies that are local to you, regardless of your location within the United Kingdom. We also work closely with Police Forces and organisations throughout the UK that have online and third-party crime/incident reporting facilities.
Online and third-party incident reporting allows for anonymity if required and the ability to provide information without face-to-face contact. This can be helpful in some circumstances.
The reporting of incidents and the submission of information from the community at large are the main ways that the Police service is informed that crimes are occurring, especially towards members of the Transgender community. Within our UK community many hate crimes still go unreported and we want this to change, so please trust in and engage with the Police and help us to stamp out hate, before it takes hold.
Hate crimes are any crimes that are targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice towards that person’s:
- disability
- race or ethnicity
- religion or belief
- sexual orientation
- transgender identity
This can be committed against a person or property.
A victim does not have to be a member of the group at which the hostility is targeted. In fact, anyone could be a victim of a hate crime.
Hate Incidents
Hate Incidents can feel like crimes to those who suffer them and often escalate to crimes or tension in a community. The police can only prosecute when the law is broken but can work with partners to try and prevent any escalation in seriousness.
Why should I report hate crime?
Hate crimes and incidents hurt; they can be confusing and frightening.
By reporting them when they happen to you, you may be able to prevent these incidents from happening to someone else. You will also help the police understand the extent of hate crime in your local area so they can better respond to it.
Reporting makes a difference - to you, your friends, and your life.
How can I report a hate crime?
There are several ways you can report a hate crime, whether you have been a victim, a witness, or you are reporting on behalf of someone else:
1. In an emergency call 999.
If you cannot make voice calls, you can now contact the 999 emergency services by SMS text from your mobile phone. However, you will only be able to use this service if you have registered with emergencySMS first.
2. Contact the police
Who you can speak to in confidence. You do not have to give your personal details, but please be aware the investigation and ability to prosecute the offender(s) is severely limited if the police cannot contact you. Contact your local police force, either by telephone or by visiting your local police station. Details on how to contact your local police force can be found at
3. Report online
4. Third party reporting centres
Local agencies such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, Community Voluntary Services etc can also report the incident on your behalf and provide you with advice and support.
Stop Hate UK provide confidential and independent Hate Crime reporting services in various areas in the UK including a 24 hour helpline.
5. Crimestoppers
If you do not want to talk to the police or fill in the reporting forms, you can still report a hate crime by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or via their website. You do not have to give your name and what you say is confidential. It is free to call.
You can give us as little or as much personal information as you wish. But please note:
With your details the incident can be investigated fully and you can get the service you deserve and the support you need.
Without your details the report will be used for monitoring purposes to get a picture of what is happening.
6. Puzzle France
To entertain yourself, learn the regions & departements of France, play with a puzzle france and make maps of france with the geography of the departements and the new regions of France, it is called cartes de france.
What crimes can I report?
All hate crimes and incidents should be reported, whether you have been a victim, a witness or you are reporting on behalf of someone else.
These incidents may include verbal abuse, physical assault, domestic abuse, harassment and damage to property.
If a person is bullied as a result of their disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity, this is also dealt with either as a hate crime or non-crime hate incident. Bullying could include name-calling, being spat at or kicked, or having your things taken or damaged.
In January 2008 a 'Positive Action Leadership' course for Trans Police Officers and Police Staff was held at Bramshill Police College in Hampshire. During the week-long course the students decided to form a Staff Association for Trans People that were working within the UK Police Service.
The first NTPA Annual General Meeting took place in November 2008 and was hosted by West Yorkshire Police at their training facility in Wakefield. About thirty people attended from various Police Forces around the UK. A Committee was formally elected to take the work of the NTPA forward.
In 2009 representatives from the NTPA visited many regions in the UK to engage with local Trans groups and Police LGBT liaison officers. Amongst many locations, the NTPA visited Scotland's Centralised Police Training College at Tulliallan, the Headquarters of West Mercia Constabulary, two National Police Improvement Agency centres at Ryton-on-Dunsmore and Bramshill, and lastly Greater Manchester Police's training college at Sedgley Park.
The NTPA also took part in many events in 2009 including Scotia Pride, Sparkle 2009, Brighton Pride and Manchester Pride, which raises the profile of the Association not only within the service, but also within the greater community and public. The association was invited to participate in other events including an LGBT-specific recruitment fair with Strathclyde Police, the Scottish Police College, along with other minority groups. Our Chair was also invited to a multi-faith seminar with the Metropolitan Police which is believed to have been a first bringing together of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in a Police setting to discuss the issues of Transgender within the context of Faith.
Sparkle and the 'Trans Inclusive Policing' seminar with the Scottish Northern Constabulary were two events that the Association was proud to be involvd with in 2009. Sparkle 2009 was the highlight of the year for the NTPA as this is seen by many as the 'National Transgender Pride'. The Association took part proudly working alongside officers from both the Greater Manchester Police and the GMP Trans Independent Advisory Group.
The Northern Constabulary 'Trans Inclusive Policing' Seminar took place over two days near Aviemore in Scotland and saw the NTPA alongside with the Scottish Transgender Alliance, and members of the transgender community from Northern Scotland. Over two days it was discussed exactly what the community would like to see from the Police service over the coming years, and likewise the NTPA was able to give an honest reflection of how Trans people are seen within the Police service in general. This event was believed to be the first of its kind in the world and it's structure and content has now been taken up by other UK forces.
November 2009 saw the second AGM and Conference where all ten executive posts were filled.
2010 saw the formal launch of the Association with the support of NPIA, ACPO and the Superintendents Association.
CHANGING FOR THE BETTER - How to include transgender people in your workplace. A guide for forward-thinking employers. By Stonewall Scotland
UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD TRANSGENDER GUIDANCE - developed to support members of the University in meeting the requirements of the University’s Transgender Policy
LIVING MY LIFE - Information for people who currently identify as Trans
or who are beginning to explore their gender identity - booklet produced by the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health in partnership with TransBareAll as part of the Pacesetters
programme to reduce health inequalities.
The Gender Trust - a registered charity helping Trans people and all those affected by gender identity issues.
01527 894 838
Press for Change - a lobbying and legal support organisation for Trans people with useful information on their website
Advice Line: 08448708165 9:30am to 5pm, Thursdays guaranteed answer Mon to Wed 10am to 4.30pm when volunteers are available.
Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES) - provides a wide range of support for
trans people and those who care for them. 01372 801554
Equality and Human Rights Commission - challenges discrimination, enforces and promotes equality, and protects and promotes human rights.
0161 829 8100/0207 832 7800
The Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS)
Tel: 0808 800 0082 Textphone: 0808 800 0084
09:00 to 20:00 Monday to Friday 10:00 to 14:00 Saturday
Gender Recognition Panel - Information about legal gender recognition, including a step-by-step
guide to the process and application packs, can be found at
0300 1234503 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday - is an education and resources site providing information for and about people who don’t fit the gender binary.
Wheatman Photography - Gloucester based professional photographer.